Love Letters Series
"Love Letters" is a captivating book series that invites readers into the intimate and heartfelt world of human connection through literature.
In the "Honor Edition," readers will find letters of appreciation, heartfelt expressions of gratitude, and tender sentiments exchanged between loved ones. It's a celebration of the profound impact individuals have on each other's lives.
The "Marriage Edition" delves into the enduring love stories of couples who have weathered the storms of life for one decade or more. These letters provide a glimpse into the resilience and joy that come with a long and committed partnership.
For those who believe in the extraordinary, the "Divine Intervention Edition" introduces a collection of letters that recount supernatural and phenomenal events. These tales of love transcending the ordinary remind us that sometimes, love's journey is guided by forces beyond our understanding.
In the "Encouragement for First Ladies Edition," the series extends its warmth to the pillars of the church community. Filled with words of encouragement and affirmations, these letters are a testament to the strength and grace of the women who lead with love in their hearts.
Lastly, the "Lessons Learned Edition" offers a reflective journey through life's ups and downs. Readers will discover valuable insights and wisdom gained through the trials and triumphs of love, providing a source of inspiration for those navigating their own paths.
In the "Honor Edition," readers will find letters of appreciation, heartfelt expressions of gratitude, and tender sentiments exchanged between loved ones. It's a celebration of the profound impact individuals have on each other's lives.
The "Marriage Edition" delves into the enduring love stories of couples who have weathered the storms of life for one decade or more. These letters provide a glimpse into the resilience and joy that come with a long and committed partnership.
For those who believe in the extraordinary, the "Divine Intervention Edition" introduces a collection of letters that recount supernatural and phenomenal events. These tales of love transcending the ordinary remind us that sometimes, love's journey is guided by forces beyond our understanding.
In the "Encouragement for First Ladies Edition," the series extends its warmth to the pillars of the church community. Filled with words of encouragement and affirmations, these letters are a testament to the strength and grace of the women who lead with love in their hearts.
Lastly, the "Lessons Learned Edition" offers a reflective journey through life's ups and downs. Readers will discover valuable insights and wisdom gained through the trials and triumphs of love, providing a source of inspiration for those navigating their own paths.
Terms & Conditions:
- Submit a maximum of two pages, typed, double spaced with 12 size font.
- Submission does not guarantee your placement at this time, but it will be considered for future publications. (You will be notified when selected.)
- Submissions are subject to editing.
- Authors of submissions may purchase unlimited quantities at a discount and are free to also sell copies of the book with 100% royalties.
- Returns and/or refunds are not accepted on copies purchased by author.
- You may submit for multiple editions.
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